Rug looks amazing!
Looks fab!
It is a house warming gift for my daughter she loves it at her door mission accomplished 👍
This is not your ordinary door mat. This was extremely high quality.
Looks great and seems very well made. Would buy again.
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Customer service was exceptional from my initial inquiry through design process. Response time was very quick, sometimes just a few minutes. They also honored my delayed shipment request to accommodate a Christmas delivery. Custom Rug was the favorite gift and one that will be used everyday of the year.
They make a rug just like you want and order, if they make a mistake they correct it. Quality is super. Getting a unique, personalized and right-sized rug is hard to find. This company does all well
They make a rug just like you want and order, if they make a mistake they correct it. Quality is super. Getting a unique, personalized and right-sized rug is hard to find. This company does all well
Couldn't be happier. Beautiful job, beautiful product with my custom design.
Truly first class product and service!
Rug looks amazing!
Looks fab!
It is a house warming gift for my daughter she loves it at her door mission accomplished 👍
This is not your ordinary door mat. This was extremely high quality.
Looks great and seems very well made. Would buy again.